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space engineers

美 [speɪs ˌendʒɪˈnɪrz]英 [speɪs ˌendʒɪˈnɪəz]
  • 网络太空工程师
space engineersspace engineers
  1. Now that you mention it , I have a fun challenge that can help us work and think like space engineers !


  2. And since Ingenuity worked so well , space engineers will probably build more flying machines to explore Mars .


  3. Chinese space engineers and scientists have chosen a relatively flat region in the southern part of the Utopia Planitia , a large plain , as the potential landing zone .


  4. The National Academy of Sciences report emphasizes CubeSats ' importance in scientific discovery and the training of future space scientists and engineers .


  5. Over the past 17 years , space scientists and engineers who have participated in China 's lunar exploration program have promoted the lunar exploration spirit of pursuing dreams , daring to explore , cooperating in tackling difficulties and win-win cooperation , and have achieved new heights in science and technology .


  6. This partition serves as a development space for their engineers .


  7. It has helped train a new generation of African space scientists and engineers .


  8. In the field of space exploring , engineers usually increase the quantity of antenna elements and the work band to improve the effect distance and resolving power of the antennas .


  9. And the space agency 's engineers are working on propulsion technologies that use sunlight to efficiently produce low thrust , reducing the amount of propellant needed for such a mission .


  10. to the women who solved the equations to take us into space , to the engineers who brought us the internet .


  11. Clarke 's writing , television appearances and public talks inspired generations of space explorers , software engineers and techno-preneurs .


  12. The formerly crowded bar has been converted into a sparsely populated startup space of a dozen engineers , their bikes and whiteboards .


  13. The culmination of their research and development was the Space Shuttle . The engineers and mechanics designed it to be more than just a transportation vehicle -- the Space Shuttle would become an orbiting scientific laboratory capable of hosting numerous experiments designed to increase our understanding of the universe .


  14. Special policies will be adopted to promote space education and train qualified personnel to foster a contingent of young and highly qualified space scientists and engineers .
